For those unable to attend the Nuclear Energy Assembly a few weeks back, video clips of the events are now up on NEI's YouTube channel. Clips include speeches by: Congressman James Clyburn, Congressman Steny Hoyer, Senator Lisa Murkowski, FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff and NEI CEO Marv Fertel.
Sadly, footage of the Dancing With the NEA Stars competition remains on the cutting room floor. In the unlikely event that you were jonesing for dancing utility industry employees, we present the good folks from the Swedish power company, Vattenfall. Yikes. (Or yïkesa, as they say in Stockholm.)
Sadly, footage of the Dancing With the NEA Stars competition remains on the cutting room floor. In the unlikely event that you were jonesing for dancing utility industry employees, we present the good folks from the Swedish power company, Vattenfall. Yikes. (Or yïkesa, as they say in Stockholm.)