This Week in Nuclear has a fascinating new interview (downloadable as a podcast) with engineer and writer Joseph Somsel, author of articles in The American Thinker and Energy Pulse. The discussion ranges over nuclear financial topics, touching on tax treatment of new generating stations, investment, transmission, and loan guarantees.
Capacity Factor has an interesting analysis of reports indicating successful integration of wind electric into the Spanish grid.
Reminder to lawyers, their fellow travelers, and news addicts that Utility News remains an excellent law blog and news digest that should reside near the top of your Favorites.
Pro-Nuclear Democrats collected and posted three videos well worth watching: Stewart Brand, Marv Fertel, and Per Peterson.
In Australia, Professor Brook at Brave New Climate covers yesterday’s announcements from the mother country; don’t miss his op-ed and the related news in the Adelaide Advertis
er. And if you’re puzzled about this month’s Scientific American cover story, Prof. Brook analyzes and deconstructs several specious bits including the most glaring one found in the subtitle, “How to get all energy from wind, water, and solar power by 2030.”
Final on today’s reading list, check out Energy Outlook’s three new must-read pieces on carbon debt, carbon counting, and cheap oil. Brief, cogent, and original.
Capacity Factor has an interesting analysis of reports indicating successful integration of wind electric into the Spanish grid.
Reminder to lawyers, their fellow travelers, and news addicts that Utility News remains an excellent law blog and news digest that should reside near the top of your Favorites.
Pro-Nuclear Democrats collected and posted three videos well worth watching: Stewart Brand, Marv Fertel, and Per Peterson.
In Australia, Professor Brook at Brave New Climate covers yesterday’s announcements from the mother country; don’t miss his op-ed and the related news in the Adelaide Advertis

Final on today’s reading list, check out Energy Outlook’s three new must-read pieces on carbon debt, carbon counting, and cheap oil. Brief, cogent, and original.
And since it’s November, don’t forget to vote – David Walters at Daily Kos has eight ballot questions right on his main page.