Click here for a clip from Tucker Carlson's MSNBC program that took a look at nuclear energy. There's a lot of talk, along with a short interview with CASEnergy's Patrick Moore.
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: NRC, Industry Concur on Many Post-Fukushima Actions Industry/Regulatory/Political Issues • There is a “great deal of alignment” between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the industry on initial steps to take at America’s nuclear energy facilities in response to the nuclear accident in Japan, Charles Pardee, the chief operating officer of Exelon Generation Co., said at an agency briefing today. The briefing gave stakeholders an opportunity to discuss staff recommendations for near-term actions the agency may take at U.S. facilities. PowerPoint slides from the meeting are on the NRC website. • The International Atomic Energy Agency board has approved a plan that calls for inspectors to evaluate reactor safety at nuclear energy facilities every three years. Governments may opt out of having their country’s facilities inspected. Also approved were plans to maintain a rapid response team of experts ready to assist facility operators recoverin...
Now, explain to us *exactly* how the nuclear energy does NOT cancel out the CO2 from the coal plant?
David Walters
There are plenty of other good reasons to promote increasing the use of nuclear energy world-wide, beyond just the threat of climate change.
Take your pick.
Right now, pebble bed reactors could provide in city power with no air pollution and no risk of fuel melting. I would happily support replacing the fossil burners at the Keyspan and ConEd facilities with PBMRs or similar electricity generators.