From time to time, we see newspapers run online polls to pulse the public mood about nuclear power plants (stories about our plants tend to generate a lot of click-throughs and online media naturally tries to take advantage of that). With that in mind, it's not a big surprise that the Cape Cod Times is running a poll concerning the future of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station owned by Entergy.
The poll (pictured to the left) is embedded on the newspaper's local news section in the middle of the page. Just click the link and scroll about half-way down the page and you'll find it embedded slightly off center to the right. When you get there, let the editors know that you support clean, safe and reliable nuclear energy.
The poll (pictured to the left) is embedded on the newspaper's local news section in the middle of the page. Just click the link and scroll about half-way down the page and you'll find it embedded slightly off center to the right. When you get there, let the editors know that you support clean, safe and reliable nuclear energy.
I'm not saying there's necessarily a safety issue involved. However, shutting a large baseload plant twice in a few weeks, when it's supposed to run continuously for 18-24 months, is stretching the definition of "things working properly."
As far as operational issues go, they'll have to do some checking and study, but the first priority of assurring public safety was not compromised.
As far as complaining about the unavailability of installed capacity, save it for the 20-25% capacity factors of the unreliables. You know, they of the "must take" provisions?