Say what you will about the networks and broadcast news, Sawyer's program averages 7-8 million viewers. Compare this with the highest rated cable news programs: the Fox Report with Shepard Smith averages 1-2 million viewers.
A lot of people, then, watched ABC's top story, and it was a good one. In the lead-in at 6:30 p.m. Eastern, Sawyer said, "President Obama said today that nuclear power plants are good for the environment, the economy, and jobs."

The piece also featured sequential interviews with Patrick Moore, formerly of Greenpeace, who supports today's announcement, and with Jim Riccio, currently of Greenpeace, who does not. Tapper said that besides Moore, many other Americans, some 52 percent, have come around in the past couple decades to supporting new nuclear construction.
People in the nuclear industry who want to do a better job of communicating with the public have an incredible opportunity here. Why not immediately invite these two guys to tour Indian Point or some other conveniently located, working nuclear plant? They'll have to go through the safety lecture, they'll see all the barriers, they'll meet the people who work there and who definitely do not look like Homer Simpsons.
Memo to David Bradish: Olbermann is a sports fan who likes stats. He said he was terrified by the release of 45,000 curies from TMI but acknowledged that he didn't know what that meant. He also appeared to think that Chernobyl killed 100,000 or more people. He probably does not know that waste from fossil fuel combustion causes 70,000 premature deaths/year in the US. He probably does not know that without new nuclear plants, new coal-fired plants will be built to provide base-load power. He probably does not know that 73% of low-carbon electricity in the US comes from nuclear power.
Getting accurate info to influential people in the media through supplying not only correct statistics but also tours of plants could go a long way toward changing minds. Worked for me!
"Show and Tell" worked in grade school quite effectively.
Perhaps it would work for adults who act like children?
Watts can be converted to btus or nearly any other energy unit. Just have to make sure to understand the efficiency differences in the calculation.