You know, it’s kind of sad that no one is willing to invest in nuclear energy anymore. Wait, what? NuScale Power celebrated the news of its company-saving $30 million investment from Fluor Corp. Thursday morning with a press conference in Washington, D.C. Fluor is a design, engineering and construction company involved with some 20 plants in the 70s and 80s, but it has not held interest in a nuclear energy company until now. Fluor, which has deep roots in the nuclear industry, is betting big on small-scale nuclear energy with its NuScale investment. "It's become a serious contender in the last decade or so," John Hopkins, [Fluor’s group president in charge of new ventures], said. And that brings us to NuScale, which had run into some dark days – maybe not as dark as, say, Solyndra, but dire enough : Earlier this year, the Securities Exchange Commission filed an action against NuScale's lead investor, The Michael Kenwood Group. The firm "misap...
Surely, if the NRC spokesman was interested in sharing information about Vermont Yankee's safety and reliable performance, he could have invited Ms. Lyon into the building, given her a cup of coffee and showed her exactly where to look on the web site for the information that she needed.
The more I watched that segment - and I repeated it several times - the more angry I became and the more I suspected that there was a plan being executed.
Here is a link my post on the topic.
Rod Adams
Publisher, Atomic Insights
I would like to commend Rod Adams, Meredith Angwin, and every single person responsible for the NEI Nuclear Notes blog here for their complete evisceration of the CNN report. A fantastic, and accurate, response to the malarkey they're trying to push nowadays.
When it comes to regulating things nuclear, the NRC does a very good job. NEI also does a good job of commenting on biased media reports.