You know, it’s kind of sad that no one is willing to invest in nuclear energy anymore. Wait, what? NuScale Power celebrated the news of its company-saving $30 million investment from Fluor Corp. Thursday morning with a press conference in Washington, D.C. Fluor is a design, engineering and construction company involved with some 20 plants in the 70s and 80s, but it has not held interest in a nuclear energy company until now. Fluor, which has deep roots in the nuclear industry, is betting big on small-scale nuclear energy with its NuScale investment. "It's become a serious contender in the last decade or so," John Hopkins, [Fluor’s group president in charge of new ventures], said. And that brings us to NuScale, which had run into some dark days – maybe not as dark as, say, Solyndra, but dire enough : Earlier this year, the Securities Exchange Commission filed an action against NuScale's lead investor, The Michael Kenwood Group. The firm "misap...
But not Yuca mountain, lets build somethying new. Why? Nothing specific, just doesn't seem safe.
How long did it take to build Yuca mountain? Started more than a decade ago. How long will it take to build somewhere else?
Sounds to me like: "I support noise makers at birthday parties as long as nobody makes any noise."
McCain said there was “no way that you could ever seriously attack the issue of greenhouse gas emissions without nuclear power, and anybody who tells you differently is not telling the truth.”
Which of these men is speaking definitively and without fear of the polls?
Neither. Bisconti Research and NEI tell us most Americans want new nuclear plants, right? So he's in line with the polls.
McCain as maverick is one of the biggest myths in Washington.
Sure. Obama is a lawyer, and his "belief" about Yucca Mountain clearly does not come from his own personal expertise.
So Obama is apparently willing to cut off the independent scientific review of Yucca Mountain by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, probably because he "believes" that the NRC's likely positive conclusion on Yucca Mountain would not correspond with his negative "belief" about the Yucca Mountain's safety.
So an Obama administration will use the best science to inform its nuclear energy policy decisions. Sure.
where has he said this? source?
"Obama is a lawyer, and his "belief" about Yucca Mountain clearly does not come from his own personal expertise."
what's McCain's technical background in nuclear power?
Anyone here believe that a relatively inexperienced politician lawyer will do what is right instead of what furthers their political career?
McCain has at least had much more life experiences in the military (big user of nuclear power) and the Senate (boss of the NRC) with respect to nuclear power and politics than Obama. Wisdom comes with age and exposure only.