Greetings! My name is Lisa Shell and I'll be contributing to the blog from time to time.
First, some background. I've worked as a nuclear engineer for nearly ten years, first with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and then with Dominion. Until late last year, my work focused on spent fuel and waste management. Now I am in the Six Sigma program at Dominion and work on a variety of projects throughout the Nuclear Business Unit. If you aren't familiar with Six Sigma, check out
Most of my posts will be related to my participation in outreach activities which are strictly voluntary and not related to my job at Dominion. I am the Vice-President of North American-Young Generation in Nuclear and the Corporate Relations chair of International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006. I am also an active member of ANS and the local Virginia Chapter of NA-YGN. In the past year, the Virginia chapter of NA-YGN has taken a lead role in countering the antinuclear campaign against new nuclear power plants. We hope that our efforts will inspire others to make their voices heard.
And just to be crystal clear: Dominion pays me to be an engineer, not a mouthpiece, so unless explicitly stated otherwise, any opinions I post are my own.
First, some background. I've worked as a nuclear engineer for nearly ten years, first with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and then with Dominion. Until late last year, my work focused on spent fuel and waste management. Now I am in the Six Sigma program at Dominion and work on a variety of projects throughout the Nuclear Business Unit. If you aren't familiar with Six Sigma, check out
Most of my posts will be related to my participation in outreach activities which are strictly voluntary and not related to my job at Dominion. I am the Vice-President of North American-Young Generation in Nuclear and the Corporate Relations chair of International Youth Nuclear Congress 2006. I am also an active member of ANS and the local Virginia Chapter of NA-YGN. In the past year, the Virginia chapter of NA-YGN has taken a lead role in countering the antinuclear campaign against new nuclear power plants. We hope that our efforts will inspire others to make their voices heard.
And just to be crystal clear: Dominion pays me to be an engineer, not a mouthpiece, so unless explicitly stated otherwise, any opinions I post are my own.