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Time To Run Story on Security at Nuclear Power Plants

We've learned that Time is planning to run a story on security at nuclear power plants in their next issue, due to hit news stands on Monday morning, June 13. The story will be posted online at on Sunday just after midnight.

Here's what we know:

Time military/defense writer Mark Thompson has been working on this piece for about a month and has toured Exelon's Peach Bottom nuclear power plant to get a first-hand look at security -- as much as Nuclear Regulatory Commission safeguards restrictions will permit. He interviewed NEI Vice President Steve Floyd, NRC Chairman Nils Diaz (for audio excerpts from his March 2005 speech at the National Press Club, click here, here and here), Exelon executives at Peach Bottom Nuclear Plant and most likely anti-nuclear activists and members of Congress.

This week, reporters from Time arrived unannounced in vehicles at the North Anna and Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plants in an attempt to breach security. In neither case did the reporters gain access to the plant. They were repelled at the first armed check point -- the first line in concentric circles of security around nuclear power facilities.

Tomorrow, NEI Chief Nuclear Officer Marv Fertel will speak with ABC News for a piece expected to be broadcast on the Sunday evening news.

When it comes to plant safety and security, there is no way to guarantee that there will never be a terrorist attack. But you can prepare for them by making contingencies for an emergency before it happens, thereby lowering risks for the plant, plant personnel and the public.

Since 9-11, the nuclear industry has spent $1.2 billion enhancing security at plants across the U.S. to help protect against attacks or contain them if they were to occur. Post-9-11 security enhancements include:

● Increased number of security officers -- now 8,000 at 64 sites -- and capabilities
● Extension of security perimeters and installation of additional physical barriers
● Vehicle barriers and checks, more restrictive site access controls

As NEI President and CEO Skip Bowman said in March at the NRC's Regulatory Information Conference:
"We've worked this hard for three and a half years with the best minds in the country. We've identified and fixed vulnerabilities. If after three and a half years, we haven't identified the real threat, shame on us. No one is saying the threat might not evolve in the years ahead. No one is suggesting rigidity.

"But . . . the industry is at the practical limit of what private industry can do to secure our facilities. NRC Chairman [Nils] Diaz and Commissioner [Jeffrey] Merrifield both have said . . . that licensees have achieved just about everything that can be reasonably be achieved by a civilian force."
For an overview of security issues, click here. NEI also maintains a large archive of documents on safety and security. Among these documents you will find information on: the NRC role in regulating plant security; armed guards, physical barriers and protection systems; post 9-11 security enhancements; security readiness; workforce security; and independent studies and drills the industry has undertaken to prepare for any emergency.

To watch our video on nuclear plant security, click here. For our graphics gallery, including a diagram on nuclear plant security zones, click here.

Check back throughout the weekend with NEI Nuclear Notes for updates.

UPDATE: Time has posted the story (subscription required). We'll be back with more later.

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Anonymous said…
The story is out already and I have to say that is one of the most biased pieces of "journalism" I have read in a while. My respect for Time magazine has just gone out the window.
Matthew66 said…
Journalists should adopt an attitude of professional skepticism when investigating a story. The authors of the three articles in this week's Time appeared to have adopted cynicism in relation to representatives of the nuclear industry and credulity in relation to those expressing anti-nuclear views (even those fired from the industry, who should be assumed to be disgruntled unless proven otherwise).

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