Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Electricity, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics, Namibia
The Namibian government is planning to exploit its rich uranium deposits to commercially generate electricity to achieve self-sustenance in power generation, as shortages loom in 2007, although how it is going to achieve this without any current nuclear power plant plans seems obscure. Namibia is now southern African region's largest producer of uranium, and is the 6th largest world producer.Thanks to Lowem Public Web Log for the link.
Namibia imports 45% of its energy requirements from South Africa. Electricity demand peaks at 500 MW, but Namibia can only supply 393 MW if it runs its four power stations at full capacity with South Africa making up for the shortfall. South Africa has indicated that in 2007 it would not be able to meet the region's requirement due to growing demand in the country.
Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Electricity, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics, Namibia
The South African PBMR, or perhaps the even smaller designs proposed by our friend Mr Adams, would be much more appropriate in the context of a developing nation.
PBMR is a promising technology, but won't be available for some time.