The DOE report on long-term storage of used fuel will be delayed one year....Algeria, Jordan, Libya, the UAE and now Tunisia: French President Nicolas Sarkozy will sign an agreement on civilian nuclear energy development in Tunis on Monday....The British government has warned that the shortage of nuclear engineers could cause delays in the country's new plant building program and expects to bring engineers out of retirement....Turkey's first nuclear power plant is to be inaugurated by 2015....British Columbia has announced a ban on all uranium mining and exploration in the province....Rick Montgomery's Kansas City Star article from April 19th runs this weekend in another McClatchy-owned paper, the Detroit Free Press. DFP editors have retitled the piece, Towers of Potential....Public meetings to discuss safety procedures at Indian Point are being held today in Cortlandt, NY....The Tri-City Herald looks at the possibility of new plant development in Washington state and quotes Governor Chris Gregoire, "I think it has to be on the table...I think we're going to have to revisit this question."...Staying in the Pacific Northwest, a new museum, the Washington Nuclear Museum and Educational Center, has been proposed for the U-Dub campus in Seattle.