You know, it’s kind of sad that no one is willing to invest in nuclear energy anymore. Wait, what? NuScale Power celebrated the news of its company-saving $30 million investment from Fluor Corp. Thursday morning with a press conference in Washington, D.C. Fluor is a design, engineering and construction company involved with some 20 plants in the 70s and 80s, but it has not held interest in a nuclear energy company until now. Fluor, which has deep roots in the nuclear industry, is betting big on small-scale nuclear energy with its NuScale investment. "It's become a serious contender in the last decade or so," John Hopkins, [Fluor’s group president in charge of new ventures], said. And that brings us to NuScale, which had run into some dark days – maybe not as dark as, say, Solyndra, but dire enough : Earlier this year, the Securities Exchange Commission filed an action against NuScale's lead investor, The Michael Kenwood Group. The firm "misap...
How close did the Davis-Besse nuclear power station come to blowing its reactor vessel head on the shores of Lake Erie just twenty miles from Toledo, Ohio?
Dum-de-dum-dum, dum-de-dum,
Times up.
As close as two months of continued ongoing corrosion which had already eaten a cavity 6 3/4 inches deep into the carbon steel base metal exposing the balloning and cracking stainless steel inner liner.
Yes... (Applause)
I'll try Davis-Besse again and jeopardize surpassing Price Anderson...
OK...What reactor containment component was found to be so undersized at Davis-Besse, as at other pressurized water reactors, that the debris field created by this screaming jet stream from ruptured pressure vessel would have clogged it and prevented the recycling of the emergency core cooling system?
I got... the containment sump screen...
Yes!!!! (Applause)
Paul, NIRS
What fraction of the September 11th attack force does the NRC's security cost curtailing DBT cover under its adversary characteristics?
Answer: TIME Magazine June 20, 2005.
"I'll take Nuclear Power Plants for $1,000 Alex"
"This anti-nuclear organization often distorts the truth of nuclear power with poor information and bad scare tactics."
Player 1, 2, and 3 all buzz in with Player 1 just beating the other two.
Player 1:
"What is the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS)?"
"Correct for a thousand."
You are absolutely right about Davis Besse. For the industry it wasn't a great reflection on the benefits of nuclear power.
However, you need to recognize that Davis Besse isn't the only nuclear reactor in the U.S. and the world. There are 103 operating reactors in the U.S. and the only instances of which nuclear power posed a possible threat to the public were TMI and Davis Besse. And there isn't any evidence of the public being harmed in both cases. It should be noted that those reactors make up only 1% of the nuclear industry.
So to say that nuclear power is unsafe, unreliable and a threat to the public, you have to have more than TMI and Davis Besse which there aren't in the U.S.