I hope to have time soon to write down all of my thoughts about the North Anna public meetings in Louisa County, Virginia last week, but the most surprising aspect to me was the number of people suddenly calling themselves "not anti-nuclear." Imagine my delight when, at the NRC public meeting, Melissa Kemp, policy analyst for Public Citizen, joined the conga line and declared that the organization is "not antinuclear."
Gosh, the people running their website must be taking a very long vacation. Because with this new policy, they really should take down things like Activists' Guide to Fighting Nuclear Power and The Case Against Nuclear Power. If they need assistance replacing the propaganda with facts, we'd be happy to help.
Gosh, the people running their website must be taking a very long vacation. Because with this new policy, they really should take down things like Activists' Guide to Fighting Nuclear Power and The Case Against Nuclear Power. If they need assistance replacing the propaganda with facts, we'd be happy to help.
Yes, I'm biased, but my bias is based in science and in fact. At least my web site is in sync with my propaganda!
John Wheeler
"This Week in Nuclear"