From yesterday's New York Daily News:
State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo will join the fight to shut the Indian Point nuclear power plant, just 25 miles north of New York City in Westchester.As I'm sure many recall, Cuomo's father, former Governor Mario Cuomo, helped lead the fight that eventually led to the closure of the Shoreham nuclear power plant on Long Island.
Cuomo will announce today his support of Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano in his legal battle with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the federal agency that oversees Indian Point, the Daily News has learned.
Cuomo's office will provide the support through research, advice and lawyers for court appearances.
If Indian Point were to be shut down, New York state would be seriously short of generation capacity.
Andrew Cuomo is creating a conflict of interest with the New York Public Service Commission, whose mandate is to "guarantee safe, secure, and reliable access to energy, telecommunications, and water services for New York's citizens and businesses." (from their homepage). The NY PSC is tasked with ensuring (in a regulatory fashion) that there is sufficient generation capacity to meet the needs of the NY ISO's grid.
I knew this would happen with the election of Elliot Spitzer as governor and Andy Cuomo as NYS AG. Hillary and Chuck are their US Senators, too, and they'll likewise ingratiate themselves with the Riverkeeper crowd. Beware of Clinton for the Whitehouse; watch what happens to the NRC and the state of regulation with her ascendency to power.
I thank God that I have moved out of NY State to one down south where some common sense still prevails.
New Yorkers deserve exactly what they have voted for themselves.
I only hope the country won't follow their sad example in 2008.
Paul Primavera
I do find it strange that individual in power can try to bankrupt honest companies in their own state and look like heros.
I think that the state should be required to buy the Indian Point reactors from Entergy for the price of $1500 per kW electric. Once the state owns the plants honestly, they are then free to shut them down. I am sure that the citizens would revolt at that type of state spending.