From Bloomberg:
British Energy Group Plc, the country's largest power generator, plans to solicit proposals for the construction of new nuclear power plants in the U.K.Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Energy, Technology, Environment, Electricity, United Kingdom
The move may signal the start of a race among other power producers, including E.ON AG, RWE AG and Electricite de France SA, to replace aged power stations with more efficient ones that emit less carbon dioxide. Britain's government is preparing an energy bill that it hopes will help secure supplies and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
``British Energy invites proposals for new nuclear generation,'' a headline on the homepage of British Energy's Web site said at about 8 a.m. London time today. The headline provided a link to the main news page of the Web site. The link didn't connect to additional information on the subject and it was subsequently removed from the site.