After reading about the results of an NEI-sponsored study that looked at how people living near nuclear power plants felt about new plants being built on current plant sites, Damon Cline of had this to say:
Now, I know what you’re thinking, of course a study paid for by a pro-nuclear group is going to look favorable for the industry, but consider this: The telephone survey of 1,152 randomly selected adults was conducted this summer by independent organizations, Bisconti Research Inc. and Quest Global Research Group, and excluded people employed by electric companies. All of the people selected for the survey were adults living near the nation’s 64 nuclear plants, including the Alvin W. Vogtle Nuclear Generating Plant just south of Augusta, where two new reactors are in the works.To see more of NEI's public opinion research, click here.
The study, if nothing else, at least explains why protesters have to be bused in whenever there’s an anti-nuke demonstration at a power plant.