The EU is cracking down on carbon emissions. Our friend Rod Adams has noticed that Germany will be feeling the pinch:
Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics, Climate Change, GHG, Global Warming, Germany, EU
Because of its decision to shut down its nuclear plants, which currently provide almost 28% of the electrical power generated in the country, Germany will experience a larger impact from that decision than most of its competitor nations. The nation is squeezed by its reluctance to increase its dependence on Russian natural gas and by the fact that its wind capacity is nearing the point where expanding it much further may cause grid instabilities.Some folks in Germany already understand the fix the country is in.
Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Power, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics, Climate Change, GHG, Global Warming, Germany, EU
We see renewable energy technical implementation limits (grid unstabilities) which cost a fortune to electricity makers for economical damage in many advanced technology industries). Switching off nuclear plants will increase carbon release, costs and decrease dependency from Russia. This unavoidable succession of event will occur and be THE lesson to everybody else. Unfortunately an advanced powerful country would become hampered like a third worl country is, by lack of energy.
Alas for Germany!