Just off the wire:
On Monday, February 12, 2007, the Detroit Economic Club (DEC) is pleased to host Anthony Earley, Jr., chairman & CEO, DTE Energy. The meeting will be held at noon at The Masonic in Detroit, MI.The idea to get industry executives speaking to more audiences outside the nuclear industry actually originated with NEI. Kudos to my colleagues who helped set this up.
Within the decade, Michigan - and the rest of the nation - will need more electricity. It is no longer a question of whether there will be new nuclear plants in our future. The conversation has shifted to how many, where and when. Seven in ten Americans now favor the use of nuclear energy to produce electricity. What's changed and why? What can derail this source of clean power? In his speech, titled, "The Nuclear Renaissance: Is It Real?" Anthony Earley, Jr. will share his perspectives and talk about the challenges and opportunities facing the nuclear energy industry.