From NEI’s Japan Earthquake launch page: NEI Weekly Update on Fukushima Daiichi Plant Status: Priorities this week at Fukushima continued to be cooling the reactors and fuel pools, draining water from the turbine buildings and concrete structures that house piping to reduce radiation levels, and containing the spread of radioactive materials. Tokyo Electric Power Co. is increasing the amount of cooling water injected into reactor 1 at the Fukushima Daiichi plant as part of a plan to cover the fuel. TEPCO plans to build a storage and processing facility that can hold 70,000 tons of highly radioactive water at the plant. Overall, site radiation dose rates are stabilizing or decreasing. The most recent radiation readings reported at the plant site gates ranged from 4.8 millirem per hour to 2.2 millirem per hour. TEPCO has released a map showing radiation levels around the site, based on readings taken on different days since the incident began. TEPCO said this week that it will b...
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